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Have you found termites or flying termites around your property? Unfortunately, you’re dealing with a serious infestation that cannot be ignored. You must begin working to resolve the problem right now. Since termites are social pests, they’re going to work as a team. Whether they’re searching for food, caring for the queen, raising babies, or building new tunnels, the worker termites will work together to get the job done. They are relentless pests that won’t give up easily.

Termites prefer living in underground nests. In some cases, a termite colony in the United States can have as many as half a million bugs. The worker termites are going to damage your property every second of the day. The damage is going to accumulate rapidly. You must do something about it because the damage won’t stop. Call a qualified exterminator right away. Remember that our technicians are eager to help. We’ve been doing this for many years, and we’re confident that we can do it again.

Structured Termite Colonies

It is essential to understand that termites are sophisticated. They reside in structured colonies with a handful of important members. For instance, the colony will have a queen and king. It’ll also have worker termites and soldier termites. More about these termites can be found below.

Queen Termites

A queen termite can be found in every colony. However, it is essential to realize that the colony can only have one queen termite. Nevertheless, she could be the most important member of the colony. She is also the colony’s biggest member. When the queen termite has to move through the tunnels, hundreds of workers will work together to push her around. On average, a queen termite can reach four inches in length. She can sometimes lay as many as 30,000 eggs daily and lives for more than ten years.

King Termites

The king termite works with the queen. Together, they reproduce and ensure the colony has enough worker termites and soldier termites. The king is always going to serve the queen. They’ll reproduce together for the rest of their days.

Worker Termites

Worker termites are small with most reaching 10mm in length. They have soft bodies so they’re easy to crush. Worker termites do not develop wings. One thing to know about worker termites is that they always stay busy. They continue working 24 hours a day. While they may leave the colony’s tunnels, they rarely do. They perform many tasks around the colony, including building tunnels, raising baby termites, grooming termites, and feeding termites.

Soldier Termites

Soldier termites have characteristics like worker termites. They look the same, but the soldiers are slightly different. They have long, brown heads. Plus, they have powerful jaws. Soldier termites use their powerful jaws to destroy their attackers. Although there are numerous predators, soldier termites are primarily worried about ants.

Winged Swarmers

Finally, the colony is going to have swarmer termites. The colony produces swarmer termites each year so the colony can spread to new areas. One unique thing about swarmer termites is that they can be male and female. Plus, they have wings and the ability to fly. The combination allows them to fly to new areas, reproduce, and start new colonies. A termite colony can produce hundreds of swarmer termites. Nevertheless, it will only have one king and one queen.

More About Subterranean Termites

It is vital to learn more about Subterranean termites because they’re common in our area. They cause billions of dollars in damage to American structures annually.


You should learn as much as you can about Subterranean termites. These termites are commonly found across the United States, but they’re not in Alaska. Despite being unique in some categories, Subterranean termites are similar to others. For instance, these termites prefer living in underground colonies. These termites have specific members, including worker termites, soldier termites, kings, queens, and swarmers. The appearance of the termite varies based on its class. For instance, soldier termites are going to look different than workers and vice versa.

What They Do

Subterranean termites are similar to others. They typically live underground but can live in moist areas above the surface too. When they want to access food sources, they’ll do so cautiously. They’ll build and travel through mud tubes. They do this so they don’t get attacked by ants and other predators. They eat cellulose which is found in many materials such as lumber. They’re going to chew through your home and damage it severely. Get rid of them or the damage will be immense.

Subterranean Termite Threats

Unfortunately, Subterranean termites pose numerous risks. These termites aren’t physically dangerous directly. They don’t attack people or pets. Nevertheless, they could expose you and your loved ones to certain dangers. When they chew through your home’s lumber, there is a risk that your home is going to become unsafe. If this happens, you may need to move out of your home or repair it. The costs could be immense. Be careful and tackle the problem before this happens.

Flying Termites

You need to learn more about flying termites. Although they are a lot like flying ants, there are several key differences between the two. You have to learn how to distinguish between these pests, so you’ll know what you’re dealing with. First, you’ll find that the wings are different. Flying termites have fragile wings of the same size. As for flying ants, their wings are two different sizes but they’re durable. You can also tell the difference by looking at the pest’s waist. If it is thick from the top to the bottom, you’re dealing with a flying termite. Flying ants have a pinched waist like other ants.

Finally, take a long look at the pest’s antennas. A flying ant has elbowed antennas. A flying termite’s antennas will be straight.

Things You Must Know About Termites

It is essential to learn more about the termite species in our area. Interesting facts about the termites in our city can be found below.

  • A termite colony is never going to stop moving. The worker termite eats every minute of the day and doesn’t stop for weekends.
  • Termite colonies are not going to disappear rapidly. Instead, you can expect the termites on your property to stay there for 50 to 70 years.
  • Unfortunately, termite colonies are huge. It is common for a colony to house as many as half a million pests.
  • While they’re problematic in many areas, it is essential to realize that termites are important for the environment. They help get rid of deadwood.
  • Termites cannot survive unless they have water. Subterranean termites need water to survive. Otherwise, they will become dehydrated and die.
  • Termites can live underground and above ground. When living above ground, they have to keep their tunnels moist.
  • It is common for ants to attack termites and termite colonies. Soldier termites must defend the colony from these invaders.
  • With the right techniques, you can eliminate the termite colony on your property.
  • Researchers have identified at least 2,000 termite species around the world. Most can be found in tropical and subtropical locations.
  • As for the United States, the area is home to 40 species.
  • Alaska is the only area where locals don’t have to worry about Subterranean termites.
  • Although all termites are bad, you have to worry about Subterranean termites. They cause most of the damage done to American buildings annually.
  • While termites cannot chew through concrete, they’re going to move through its cracks and holes with ease.
  • Worker termites are responsible for feeding other members of the termite colony. They’ll eat cellulose before regurgitating it and feeding it to other termites.
  • Queen termites live for a long time with some surviving for 20 years or more.
  • Each day, a queen termite can lay a few thousand eggs.

Can Termites Be Dangerous?

You’re likely worried that the termites on your property are going to hurt you. In most cases, they won’t. Termites do not attack people or animals. They’re only interested in eating cellulose. Therefore, they’re going to chew through the wood on your property. Termites aren’t going to hurt people around your property. The primary concern is that termites are going to severely damage your property. If you don’t do something about it swiftly, the damage is going to worsen. Termites can severely damage a wood structure until it is beyond repair. If this happens, your home may no longer be safe. Get rid of the termites before this happens.

Ways To Get Rid Of Termites

You must find a way to dispose of the termites on your property. Unfortunately, doing it on your own won’t be easy. You’ll have to work with a professional to get it taken care of right away. Since termites travel more than 300 feet to access food, it can be tough to know which tunnels to treat. Working with a professional ensures that the problem can be dealt with properly and quickly. When you’re ready to begin, call our office. Our technicians can be sent to your home right away.

DIY Solutions For Termites

Termites are often difficult to eliminate. It is easier to rely on professional solutions since DIY methods pose too many risks. Some of them are unsafe while others aren’t as effective as professional solutions. It is wise to hire a professional. Doing so is the best way to resolve the problem.

When Can Someone Arrive?

Don’t forget to call us right away. After your call, we’ll make sure you hear from us within 24 to 48 hours.

The Safest Termite Solutions

We strive to provide locals with our high-quality, safe termite solutions. We always go above and beyond to ensure that you’re going to receive satisfactory solutions as quickly as possible. Plus, our techniques are safe. Our methods rely solely on EPA-registered products. As a result, we’re confident that our methods are going to keep you safe.

Preventing Future Infestations Of Termites

Use the advice below to keep termites away from your home.

  • Make sure water does not collect around your home’s foundation. Check your pipes and HVAC system to ensure water is not dripping.
  • Fix any humidity problems you find.
  • Keep firewood 20 feet or further from your home. It should be raised from the ground too.
  • Wood mulch should be placed 15 inches or further from the home’s surface. Otherwise, install rubber mulch.
  • Check your home for termite signs and termites regularly. Look for cracked paint and mud tubes.
  • When you find termites on your property, call our office so we can do something about it.

If you have any other pest control issues please check out other services.

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